We had a great day at the Annual Loch Sport Surf Fishing Classic at Beach 1. Thankfully the wind didn't deter the entrants, with 161 fish being measured (148 Salmon, 11 Flathead, 1 Schooly & 1 Spotty).
Winners were:
Biggest Fish: Nathan Bridle ~ 63cm Salmon
Biggest Flathead: Patricia Diano ~ 57.5cm
Biggest Salmon (after Nathan): Peter Sinopoli ~ 62.5cm
Childs Biggest Fish: Abagail Brooker ~ 59.5cm Salmon
Best Effort for the Day: Ryan Ruff ~ 51.5cm Salmon
We had great support from local businesses & sponsors, so were able to give away many lucky ticket prizes:
Marina Hotel Dinner for 2 ~ Peter Sinopoli
Foodworks $60 Voucher ~ Ben McKenzie
BCF $50 Voucher ~ Paul Diano
Kebab Van Dinner for 2 ~ Sav Diano
Lochy Coffee $20 Voucher ~ Kelly Lanigan
As well as 4 tackle goodie bags ~ Simon Papasavva, Abigail Brooker, Andrew Spyrou & Chris Ruff
Huge thanks to all our sponsors & to all that attended for helping make this year one of our best.
Lastly thanks to our great committee for putting in another big day with a very rewarding outcome.
The Victorian Fisheries Authority has just announced that It’s another spawning record, this time for the Gippsland Lakes! Their latest scientific surveys have revealed a record number of baby black bream, more than twice the previous peak since surveys began in 2010. Annual surveys undertaken by their scientists each winter measure black bream between 5-8cm at 50 different locations throughout the Lakes and inflowing rivers. It’s a great sign for the future of this iconic fish, that’s further strengthened by the introduction of the 28-38cm slot limit last year and the end of commercial net fishing in the Lakes in 2020. Want to know more about VFA’s efforts to return the Gippsland Lakes back into a recreational fishing mecca? Check out the Gippsland Lakes Recreational Fishing Plan at www.vfa.vic.gov.au/gippslandlakes.
A few members travelled to Lakes Entrance recently to take part in the release of another 25,000 Dusky Flathead into the Gippsland Lakes. This is a further part of VFA's major re-stocking program that will see more than 6 million fish stocked into Victorian waterways, both fresh and salt water. The fish were bred in captivity in Narooma from brood stock captured in Lake Tyers and at Mallacoota. Great work Victorian Fisheries Authority.
The second LSFA “Black Bream Bash” was held recently on the McLennan Straits on a beautiful sunny winter’s day. The fishing was excellent with over 20 top quality black bream caught (with most released). The biggest was a quality 43cm, well over the current slot limit that allows only fish between 28cm and 38cm to be kept. Alan Murrells took out the Perpetual Trophy for this fine catch. Locals who know about these things are saying that this is the best bream fishing they have experienced for many years.